Ministries Mission
St. Andrew’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church follows the Gospel of Jesus Christ as outlined in St. Matthew’s Gospel: To provide food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, welcome for the stranger, clothing for the naked, healing for the sick, and companionship for the captive.
We live into our Baptismal Covenant: to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.
Blue Door Ministry
The Blue Door Ministry’s services at the church on on hiatus pending our relocation.
Blue Door Grocery Distribution Has Already Relocated
Our Blue Door Ministry’s weekly grocery distribution is up and running on Tuesdays at Destin Church of Christ, 150 Beach Drive in Destin. We are grateful to Destin Church of Christ for providing this new location for our grocery and food ministry and to Emerald Coast Food Rescue (formerly Destin Harvest) for providing food for our weekly distribution.
Bike Shop
The Bike Shop is looking for a home.
St. Andrew’s By-the-Sea is looking for a home and proprietor for its Bike Shop. The Bike Shop has been a vital ministry in Destin for many years. St. Andrews’ will be relocating on May 1, and the Bike Shop will lose access to its base of operations on Mountain Drive. For more information, contact Walt Chidsey at 850-687-9330. The Bike Shop has been a vital ministry in Destin for many years. For more information, contact Walt Chidsey at 850-687-9330.

The Bike Shop receives donations from individuals and businesses in the area who are replacing their fleets of beach bikes. The shop repairs and services hundreds of bikes each year. The bikes are given free of charge to anyone indigent in our Charity Tracker system, homeless persons and children in need. In addition, the shop provides bikes to J-1 Visa persons: these are college students from around the world working in the Destin area. The Bike Shop is self-sustaining and is run by a volunteer crew of bike mechanics.
Bike Crew Leader: Walt Chidsey, 850.650.2737